A Seaboard Hospitality Hotel

Meet Melissa Murray

Throughout the year we like to edify some of our amazing staff at Beach View Hotel. We believe they are the heart of our hotel. And why we achieve incredible accolades, high Tripadvisor ratings, and awards.

We interviewed Melissa Murray, General Manager, at Beach View Hotel recently to continue with our series. Here’s the inside scoop!

Q: When did you start working at Beach View Hotel?
Melissa Murray: I started March 2023 so I just celebrated my first-year anniversary here this past spring! I used to work at Surf Side Hotel and I wanted to stay within the same family company, so when the opening became available at Beach View, I jumped at the opportunity.

In Hospitality

Q: Where and when did your career in hospitality start?
MM: I started at Surf Side Hotel in Nags Head in August of 2019 as their front desk associate. Then I worked my way up to Supervisor, Front Office Manager, and then General Manager at that location.

Q: What is the most challenging part of your job right now?
MM: The toughest part is juggling my time between opening 2 hotels simultaneously – both Beach View Hotel and Atlantic View Hotel. But I thrive on challenges so I know everything will be a success.

Q: What has been your greatest success thus far in your career?
MM: Working my way up to General Manager has been great, but the biggest success is making a positive impact on staff and guests alike. I love hearing from them, especially when they share how wonderful their stay was or how happy every staff member was to them. That makes coming to work a joy.

Q: What was your fondest memory of a guest?
MM: The July 4th crew (you know who you are) where we had a big BBQ. There was about 7 long time guests that helped with music, decorating, cooking and promoting (as they do every year). They were so kind, grateful and appreciative. It was so much fun, servicing and supporting them for their multi-generational holiday get away. I’ll never forget them.

Personally Speaking

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?
MM: I love spending time with my family, especially my niece. And I love taking Cooper, my lab-hound-pit-boxer mix, to area dog parks. It’s a great way for both of us to unwind.

Q: What is one thing very few people know about you?
MM: I used to be a snow-board instructor!

Q: Who do you admire, or look up to, and why?
MM: Personally, definitely my parents because as I’ve gotten older, I realize how much they did for our family and how much they were there for us when we were kids. That has made a huge impact on me. Professionally – Patrick, Seaboard Hospitality’s VP of Operations. Over the last 3+ years he has served as an invaluable mentor to me. From knowledge, patience and just being kind, I’ve grown tremendously in my career.

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